The Staten Island Runner

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March 23, 2000

What's going on?

by Bob Orazem
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The T.R.A.C. (Track Running and Community) meeting on March 22nd. at Moore High School went great and was attended by 20 individuals representing running groups on Staten Island. The purpose of T.R.A.C. is to develop an Indoor Track & Field Facility on Staten Island.

It was determined at the meeting that we will approach well known community leaders from our borough and ask them to serve on a Board of Directors for our organization.Those others helping at meetings will be "advisors" and designated as such on our letter head. Our Board of Directors will designate officers for the organization.

We worked hard at determining an outline for the Business Plan we were asked to produce for the Borough President's office.We will present this outline to Ms. Prager (Budget Director) from that office to determine that we are on base with the needs of her office.

We are still waiting a response from Tom Paolo, Commissioner of Staten Island Parks in regards to us doing a presentation to him on the need of an Indoor Facility on our Island. His office has assured us that he will be in touch with us soon.

TRAC will meet again on Wed. April 5th. at 7P.M. at Moore High School. Individuals representing organizations or others willing to help with this project are invited. Any questions or suggestions are welcomed.

Bob Orazem